We trust this note discovers you well. As the worry develops for the episode of the COVID-19, we’re contacting told you where we remain as an organization. The wellbeing of our representatives and our customers is of our #1 need and it’s significant for us to all to be aware of our wellbeing.
As an organization we have had discussions that if anybody feels wiped out, they are not to answer to work. The initial step of a solid office/home is standard cleaning, however it additionally takes routine hand washing and nonstop sterilizing of ordinarily contacted surfaces to battle against germs and infections.
Despite the fact that our cleaning genius’ wear careful gloves while cleaning they are told to use legitimate hand washing systems, including toward the beginning and finish of each cleaning for the duration of the day. We intend to lead the same old thing.
As an A-1 cleaning customer you as of now have settled on a solid choice by having your office/home cleaned, anyway you may need additionally cleaning days added to your administration? If you don’t mind call soon on the off chance that you might want this to occur so we can change your timetable fittingly.
Notwithstanding our essential cleaning specs we are currently giving extra purifying administrations to our customers. A considerable lot of our customers have decided to include these extra sterilizing administrations with an extra expense to their unique help understandings. If you don’t mind get in touch with us at the workplace 707-442-3229 and demand these administrations.
Since we are an independent company, we request your comprehension with booking as we work through this time. You might be approached to move your cleaning so as to guarantee that every one of our customers can be adjusted.
As we become familiar with our locale’s reaction to COVID-19, we will cautiously assess the need of changing our arrangements. Kindly let me know whether you have any inquiries or might want to talk about these plans further.